The Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in the European Union is an official degree of the University of Valladolid. It is attached to the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid, due to its eminently transversal and multidisciplinary nature.
The Master in Advanced Studies in the European Union is taught by professors who are members of the Institute of European Studies of the University of Valladolid, therefore, specialised in this subject and qualified to provide their students with advanced knowledge of the history of integration, law and economics of the EU and Ibero-American integration. In accordance with the multiple facets of the European Union itself, it has the participation of professors from different branches of knowledge: Law, Economics, Contemporary History, Geography.
In order to facilitate access to these studies for students living outside Valladolid or who combine their specialised training with work, the Master's degree is taught online. We are committed to online teaching and what this entails, it is about making this training accessible to those who do not live in the place where the teaching takes place. And that's what we're all about. It is a degree that began to be taught in the academic year 2020-2021, at the height of the COVID pandemic. The situation created from the health point of view has highlighted the value of the choice of online teaching. Both the exams and the defence of the TFM are to be held physically at the headquarters of the Institute of European Studies in Valladolid, but there is also the possibility of taking them telematically, live or ‘synchronously’. In past years, many students have come to Valladolid at least for the FMT defence, others have done it remotely.
Under the previous regulations, these studies were classified as ‘blended’ because of the external internships and the evaluation tests/exams. Under the new regulations they are now clearly classified as online or virtual teaching.